

Royal Sports Club International is a sports and social club based in Abuja, and is made up of members of various professions.  It is also open to all individuals that pass our eligibility requirements, and are desirous of enjoying and promoting healthy living through sports and responsible citizenship. The club was started in 2003, but was registered as an Incorporated Trustee in 2008.  Our primary sporting activity is soccer, however the club has included other activities such as Scrabble and chess to accommodate other interests of members. Aside from sports, the club also engages in the following:

●    Charity visits to motherless babies’ homes, orphanages, hospitals, and prisons;
●    Talkshops/seminars on family, healthy living, investment and our society;
●    Provide support for members during weddings, births, deaths, etc; and
●    Fostering relationships with similar organizations in Nigeria and across Africa.